Join us for our Winter Market at Uptown JanesvilleView Dates


Do you love the Janesville Farmers Market and want to see the market thrive?

Here’s how you can help:


The majority of our vendors are community members who are dedicated to help strengthen our community. By shopping at our market you are helping to support your community members and their families. Every time you buy at the market you are choosing to sustain local food producers. In addition to food, the market provides a vibrant local forum for artists to sell and showcase their art. Help our communities grow strong by shopping local. Buy Local, Thrive Local.


Sharing your market finds and encouraging your friends and family to join you at the market is one of the best things you can do to help us! Help us advertise our market, special events, and vendors to ensure that our community thrives. Want some flyers to hang on the bulletin at work? Contact us and we would be happy to get some copies to you!


The market is always looking for volunteers! We have a number of programs and events that would not be possible without the help of our incredible volunteers. Our Board of Directors is made up of local vendors and business owners who volunteer their time and energy in order to make sure our market succeeds. In addition, we could really use a helping hand on market days. Either managing our market booth or helping with one of our customer count days. Please contact us for more information.


The Janesville Farmers Market provides the community with a variety of community supporting programs and events. As these programs continue to grow, so does our need for sponsors. Please consider donating to the market or becoming a business sponsor.

Donate to the Janesville Farmers Market

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